Fishing in Tuscany’s waters

In Tuscany region no license is required for recreational and sport fishing at sea.

But a fishing license is required for inland waters.

Inland waters

You must be in possession of a valid Fishing Licence in order to fish at an amateur level in Tuscany’s inland waters.
Children under 12 may fish without a licence.

There are two types of amateur fishing licences: Type B or Type C.

  • The Type B licence is valid for one year, at a cost of € 35.00 (thirty five euros).
  • The Type C licence is valid for 15 days, at a cost of € 10.00 (ten euros); this is the licence usually requested by tourists.

Fishing without a licence will incur a fine in an amount from € 80.00 to € 480.00.


There are three alternative ways to make payment: (i) postal payment in Italy; (ii) bank transfer; (iii) Internet payment. In all cases, you always have to bring your payment receipt with you while you are fishing.


  • POSTAL PAYMENT IN ITALY: When you will come to Italy, you may pay your licence fee to the Region of Tuscany Tresurer’s Department by postal payment (“bollettino postale” that you’ll pay at an Italian Post Office); click here for the document (bollettino).You have to write by yourself:
    di Euro: 35,00 or 10,00 (the amount of the payment is different if you want a “one year licence” or a “15 days’ licence”);
    IMPORTO IN LETTERE (amount in words): trentacinque/00 (thirtyfive) or dieci/00 (ten/00);
    CAUSALE (causation of payment)
    DATA DI NASCITA: date of your birth_____________;
    COMUNE DI NASCITA: Municipality of your birh___________;
    ESEGUITO DA  (your exact home address)
    Name Surname________________

    Via – Piazza: Street_____________
    CAP: postcode________________
    LOCALITA’: ____State_________


  • BANK TRANSFER: Otherwise you can do a bank transfer to:
    IBAN : IT41G0760102800000026730507
    TASSA PER L’ESERCIZIO DELLA PESCA – DAL ___day.month.year*____.
       Name Surname    NATO A (place of  your birth) ____________  IL (your date of birth)________
    RESIDENTE A (State of  your birth; example: U.K.) ____________ .
    *Important: This is the causation of the transfer, i.e.:  fishing licence – since__   day.month.year __    (<here write the date of the first day you will fish in Italy, otherwise the 15 days’ license may expire before you arrive to Italy!!!…). 


  • INTERNET PAYMENT: Otherwise click here for the link to an Internet payment (unfortunately in Italian language)
    In this case, here are the required information:
    Codice fiscale: the “codice fiscale” (fiscal code) is an Italian code similar to the NIN (National Insurance Number) in U.K.; people from abrad have to write 16 zeros: 0000000000000000
    Importo del versamento: Euro 10,00 (for 15 days) or Euro 35,00 (since 16 days to 365 days validity).
    Codice fiscale: 0000000000000000
    Denominazione: Name Surname_______________________
    Luogo di nascita:
    Municipality of your birth (State)___________
    Data di nascita: date of your birth______________________
    Indirizzo: your home address (State)_____________________
    Note versante: LICENZA DI PESCA VALIDA DAL day.mounth.year (your note, i.e: fishing licence valid since day.month.year*).
    *Important: This is the causation of the transfer, i.e.:  fishing licence – since__   day.month.year __    (<here write the date of the first day you will fish in Italy, otherwise the 15 days’ license may expire before you arrive to Italy!!!…).


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